Welcome to our Happy Hive!
We're glad you stopped by. This is your go-to place for all things Mouse and Bee. Our plush reading buddies and picture books are coming soon. We promise that the wait will be worth it!

Get ready for an exciting tale! A finicky bee returns to his hive to discover a mouse has misinterpreted his "Keep Out" signs as "C'mon In." What will Bee choose to do, concentrate on tidying up his hive, or teach Mouse to read?
Mouse and Bee is a tale sure to please!

JerseyJaynes =
Gail Aherne- Author
+ Laura Foltz- Author/Illustrator
As Laura and I were getting closer to our goal of publishing Mouse and Bee along with our plush reading buddies, Laura passed away unexpectedly. Her passing was a shock and devastating. It’s not common to find a best friend that is also a confidante and a creative collaborator. That was Laura.
I took time off from our endeavors to grieve. And while the pain of her passing is still fresh, I am ready to finish what we so compassionately created and keep her legacy alive. I owe my family and friends who have been with me on this journey a huge thank you for pushing me forward. I couldn’t do it without them.
Our mission was and still will be to work tirelessly to connect, engage, and provide resources to help build communities where everyone can learn to read and unite in protecting our precious pollinator populations.
I look forward to having you on the next phase of this journey with me.
Much ❤️ and gratitude,

About Us
Jersey Jaynes
Gail Aherne-Author
Laura Foltz - Author/Illustrator
During a writing critique group, co-Creators Laura Foltz and Gail Aherne connected over their love of literacy and protecting our precious pollinators. Their inspiration for Mouse and Bee stories and plush reading buddies was inspired by their involvement with Dolly Parton's Imagination Library.
"Your dreams in this life will have greater meaning when they are tied to the betterment of your community."
- Tererai Trent